Tuesday 30 September 2014

Written by Amanda Lee Yue Ping, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Yes, I should be studying (or crying, or procrastinating or eating, possibly all of the above). However before I pen my last note, I would like to finish my run as the Editor-In-Chief by thanking the very people who made this term possible. These editors have worked their butts off during their senior year no less, through the hectic FHC season, the 101 school events, the mountains of homework, classwork and work, to provide the schooling community with readable, and dare I say enjoyable articles throughout the whole year. So please read and enjoy. I give to you the people behind the scenes of the Young Journalist Club, the senior editors of 2014. 

Deputy Editor In Chief Wye Mun

Name: Chin Wye Mun. Also known as Mun to most. 

Side positions
Besides being my kick-ass sidekick in the Young Journalist club and second in command of the prefectorial board, she’s also head of the umbrella society, Save the World. Whoever said small is powerful obviously knew Wye Mun. 

The powerhouse behind the Lumen Studet, especially when I’m otherwise occupied, Wye Mun helps to keep the chicks in line among managing the Lumen’s twitter, pestering photographers, editing articles and the like. Efficient, fast, productive -You know? She’s like one of those poisons - the ones with labels that read “deadly in small amounts”.  Emphasis on the “small”. However with Wye Mun’s infectious laughter, there’s the added benefit that you might die with a smile on your face. 

Hobbies: Sleeping, eating, sitting down and being unproductive
As relaxed as it sounds, don’t let this lethargic list fool you. Wye Mun is no doubt part of the brain behind the brawn (am I the brawn? I really don’t know) of Lumen Studet. Regardless of her hobbies, things always get done with Wye Mun at the helm. 

Other things to note:
1) Never give your pens to Wye Mun. It’ll come back chewed.
Never touch the tip of her pens either, which has man-made (more like man chewed) craters not unlike the moon’s surface. Our part tagline was “YJC, where the pen is always mightier than the sword”. However in Wye Mun’s case, we might have to add on a tiny side-note - unless that pen belongs to Wye Mun”.

2) She still can’t reach the top compartment of the bus (or the top of the whiteboard for that matter), without having to stretch her arms all the way up whilst stand on tippy toes.
In Getting to Know Us part 1, her height of 149.5cm was exposed to the world. And we do not regret to inform you that she has not grown an inch since. 

Once during the lengthy proceedings of the First House Cup prize giving, Encik Hisham commented to her as they shook hands, “I like it that you’re shorter than me”. 
We like it too Encik Hisham, we like it too.

Article Contributions:
If we name them all, the list would be too long because as you all may or may not know, both Wye Mun and I are responsible behind the monthly editorial notes. So for your convenience, here’s the link to all the editorial notes if you’d like to peruse: http://lumenstudet.cempaka.edu.my/search/?q=editors+note&x=0&y=0

Article of pick: 
Chances are, one out of every five students in out school is a big k-pop fan, and Wye Mun is one such individual. Aside having a tons of poster boys (who look like girls) mixed in with the actual girl bands, covering a wall in her room, she also has various other K-Pop merchandise which she has attempted to lessen by selling her things on line. So if anyone’s interested in boys with severely coloured hair and mascara, you know who to PM. 

If you’re not that into owning pocket files with identical guy’s faces on it, you can check out her article on the recently big-time, popular, “not-your-average-K-Drama” K-drama, White Christmas. And don’t be afraid to comment your views as I’m sure all you k-drama fans are apt to do once a good drama gets you going. 

What’s next?:
So what’s next for Wye Mun? When I questioned her, she replied “studying”. I’m not surprised at that as it’s probably on all the senior’s lists right now if it isn’t “crying” or “giving up on trials”. And who knows, one day this A* student might become a teacher herself - one of her very briefly considered future professions. But if that, or her probable career in actuarial science doesn’t work out, she’s welcome to join me and my band of misfits selling Char Kuey Teow for a living. 

Boss Lady’s Note: 
To my second in command, my liege, my right hand man. To the person who makes me seem taller than I actually am. Thank you for your dedication to the post, and for making YJC what it is today. Without you, we’d all be a little less happy, a little less tall, and probably a lot less efficient than we are today. Chin Wye Mun, it has been an honour to pen articles, and run this newsletter with you. 
by Anonymous 23:27 42 comments | in , , , , , ,
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Written by Amanda Lee Yue Ping, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Yes, I should be studying (or crying, or procrastinating or eating, possibly all of the above). However before I pen my last note, I would like to finish my run as the Editor-In-Chief by thanking the very people who made this term possible. These editors have worked their butts off during their senior year no less, through the hectic FHC season, the 101 school events, the mountains of homework, classwork and work, to provide the schooling community with readable, and dare I say enjoyable articles throughout the whole year. So please read and enjoy. I give to you the people behind the scenes of the Young Journalist Club, the senior editors of 2014. 

On-the-front Editor Chua Zi
Name: Chua Zi. Also known as Zi.

I can’t count the number of times teachers have asked Zi with a confused look on their face, “Do you have a surname/middle?” No, no she doesn’t, deal with it. 

Hobbies: Reading, tweeting..?! 

Other interesting things to note: 
1) Bob 
Zi is famous for cutting her hair by herself yet still being able to come out looking like a million dollars. You know how some people can pull off short hair and others can't? Well she can. We don’t know if that’s just her professional hair-dressing skills, or just her fabulous hair but thumbs up Zi! 

2) One-girl-wonder 
Blessed by the god of Barbies with limbs that seemingly have no bones, it was only natural her gymnastic skills in Primary should progress to her becoming part of Beruang’s all star dance group. An elite group of hardcore dancers who are known for their strict practice regimes but more famously for their show-stopping moves on stage. 

Zi also pleasantly surprised everyone when she performed on stage with best friend Auriel during commencements, but not to dance, to sing! I also happen to know she plays piano, the drums, guitar and the violin on a small scale. She’s your Performing Arts all-rounder all right. 

3) Best Twitter Award 
Zi’s tweets can make you laugh out loud, embarrassing yourself over the dinner table. Like how in her articles she’s not afraid to speak the uncomfortable truth with bits of sarcasm and humour at the expense of the human race, her Twitter page is both hilarious and enlightening. I sometimes restrain myself from tweeting what I feel like, lest you find yourselves one head prefect short the next morning, and it’s fine, as I can live vicariously through Zi’s tweets. So keep churning out your 160 characters worth of humbling-sarcastic-honest-to-good tweets Zi.

Famous line: And yooooou, called me sugaaaaaaaar-rrrrr 

Article Contributions:
We couldn’t find a position more suited to Zi when we bestowed upon her the position of On the front editor. Widely read and never afraid to speak her mind her articles are always a refreshing read and a change from the usual rambling school article. 

She’s covered a couple of important happenings the past year, namely the Typhoon Haiyan disaster, the haze epidemic, the Sewol Ferry incident and MH370.

Article of pick: 
Though this article doesnt even fall into her jurisdiction, what started out as a compulsory yearbook-must-write-or-suffer-the-wrath-of-IB-article, ended up becoming a truly heartfelt yet not overly cheesy article of dance and friendship. She asks all the right questions, hitting the core of the article spot on. 

My second favourite which should definitely merit a mention would be her 101 on How to Eat a Human. Need I say more? 

What’s next? 
She’s says if all else fails, she’ll be looking at editorial positions in magazines. Yep, that’s wonderful Zi, we’re glad journalism is your fallback plan and we’re just going to take it as a compliment here. 
If not you can always still consider the plethora of career choices your multiple skills entail. And my CKT-stall-to-be could always use an entertainer cum hair stylist. 

Boss Lady’s Note: 
Thanks for giving me a good laugh every time I look at your face when the teachers start to ramble on a bit too much. Thank you for giving the Lumen rare articles of substance, articles I’m sure any magazine or newspaper would be proud to have written. I not only admire your writing skills, but also your general knowledge about the most random things ever. Chua (no middle name) Zi, it has been an honour to work with you.
by Anonymous 23:27 41 comments | in , , , , , , ,
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Written by Amanda Lee Yue Ping, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Yes, I should be studying (or crying, or procrastinating or eating, possibly all of the above). However before I pen my last note, I would like to finish my run as the Editor-In-Chief by thanking the very people who made this term possible. These editors have worked their butts off during their senior year no less, through the hectic FHC season, the 101 school events, the mountains of homework, classwork and work, to provide the schooling community with readable, and dare I say enjoyable articles throughout the whole year. So please read and enjoy. I give to you the people behind the scenes of the Young Journalist Club, the senior editors of 2014. 

School Events Editor, Ryan Yoong Ka Jun

Name: Ryan Yoong Ka Jun. Also know as Ry. 

Side Positions: One-half of the starlet emcee duo. Slave-buddy to Queen Vayonce (aka Seladang deputy captain). Also head of we-hug-trees and animals umbrella society in Cempaka although he has eaten many animals we don’t usually consider as a meal - as stated in Getting To Know Us Part 1. 

Hobbies: Traveling, cooking, talking, writing emails (yes, you saw that right), reciting emotional poetry... just kidding. 

As you might deduce from the Getting to know us article, Ryan’s chocolate cookies are to die for. And while we can’t imagine him in a frilly apron, we can envision him being big on stage in the future, preaching in a suit whilst making energetic hand gestures as he does so often now. 

Most Famous Line: *to be said in a reverent voice with visions of dramatic clouds of dried ice in mind* Gas! Gas!
An excerpt from his emotional poetry recitation during YJC’s Afternoon with the War Poets event. This line is also famously the only line students will most likely remember from the somber yet sleepy An Afternoon with the War Poets assembly.

Other interesting things to note:
1) Sushi Chef
Ryan once went around school dressed as a ninja. Yes, you read that right. For Interact Club’s National Day with Finery, some went round in baju kurungs. Others in cheongsams, saris' and even the occasional han bok. However attired in what he deemed as Japan’s “national attire”, the famous sushi chef- sorry, I mean ninja made his appearance (or disappearance?) that day.

2) The Proposal
The stars were twinkling (the sun was shining). The air was tense with romance (with anticipation). All eyes were fixated on the man in the suit. (Ryan with a ridiculous newspaper-cutout-tie). In a smooth flourish, he knelt down and produced a beautiful diamond ring (a piece of aluminum tin-can), professing his adoration to Puan Farah who unsurprisingly turned down his proposal. The things we do for House Deco competition. Ah well Ryan, she was already taken anyway. 

Article Contributions:
Getting To Know Us came about thanks to the brainchild of Ryan and Amirul Zain. In an effort to get to know the Cheras board better, all the dirty little secrets (not really) of the current senior and soon-to-be outgoing board was aired out - a definite must read by anyone.

However his travel article to New Zealand tops the list. An epic, hilarious one-boy journey to the land filled with fluffy sheep and stunning views, all through the wide (or small) eyes of a Malaysian boy whose wonderment at the organized airport overseas (people queueing up - can you imagine?) did not go unwritten.

What’s next?: 
Traveling of course, for all New Zealand did was give him a bigger hunger to explore the world beyond here. However of course, there is the small factor of cash. And parents. And education. But nonetheless, I’m sure adventures will still find their way to him. 

Boss Lady’s Note: 
Very rarely do articles surface from the depths of your “I can write that lah” and “I’ll handle it”s. However when they do, it’s seriously and hilariously great. You also get the “Always Replies Whatsapp Award!”, for making me feel like I’m not talking to a wall in the group chat. Thank you for your clear-headedness, invaluable advice and the GAS! GAS! joke that will stay with me for life. Thank you for giving your time and contributions to the club. Ryan Yoong Ka Jun, it has been an honour working with you.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Written by Yap Jia Xin, Form 4 Science 1, Class of 2015
Photographed by Lai Li Chan, Junior 1 Higgs, Class of 2015

It was just two days before we had to say our painful goodbyes to the school holidays and jump back into the frenzy of homework and studying 24/7. That’s two days to shake off the holiday mood and recap everything from our books that we had gladly forsaken just a mere week ago.As luck would have it, the Save The World society (otherwise known as STW) had introduced and planned out what they call “STW’s Race for Humanity”, a STEM-based treasure hunt where all proceeds would go to charity. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and that was the theme that the treasure hunt was going to be centred around in order for all participants to learn and be educated while having fun - perfect for getting us back into the studying spirit.

On the last Saturday before school reopened, 9am to be precise, 25 teams of four gathered at the Pusat Sains Negara, ready to take on whatever physical and mental challenges STW had in store for us. The race was kicked off with a quick briefing by the STW presidents, Chin Wye Mun and Ryan Yoong, followed by a group picture. After the picture was taken, we were off!

Every team was provided with a card with seven different clues on them which led to seven different checkpoints. As for my group, we started off solving a riddle about some black and white keys, which led us to a floor piano. There, our team were to play the song “Mary Had A Little Lamb” as a group, by stepping, or in our case, skipping along the keys of the floor piano.

We played the piano with our feet.

After that task was completed, out next clue led us to the dome shaped entrance of the science centre where we had to create then belt out our war cry until an echo could be heard. We then had to face a series of Biology related questions which definitely got our brain juices flowing. You would think the biology component at this checkpoint was all mental, no biologically physical strain whatsoever. My group found out the hard way, via the mistakes from the questions we answered.  Push ups, sit ups, as well as running down a VERY long winded, never ending ramp in just under 20 seconds - we had to carry out a much gruelling penalty. Thankfully we completed penalty given its circumstances and didn’t have to stick around for more.

Next up, a challenge which most groups completed pretty quickly. Four per team, one on each side of the table which within it, was a maze. A ball was inserted into the side of the maze, and the task was to tilt the maze, and direct the ball into a hole in the centre. I would say it took about 30 seconds, tops.

“Take a selfie with Potamotrygon Motoro” - Our following clue. “I think it’s a fish”, was the first thing my teammate blurted out. With no other ideas, except for another suggestion that it was a dinosaur, we headed to the aquarium which turned out to be exactly where the clue was leading us. Yes, it was a fluke, a fluke which had served us well.

My group's 'SELFIE-SH'! (sorry, couldn't resist it)

After our insta-worthy selfie with the fish, we hopped along to our next checkpoint, the mathematics checkpoint. We were given a piece of paper with rather stimulating questions which we had to obtain all the right answers to. All I remember from that station was counting brown tiles then recounting them all again, and I think it is safe to say everyone is with me on this one. Right guys?

At checkpoint number 6, we were given four stations to choose from as options. My group, consisting of rather lazy people, made our decision by picking the station nearest to us, obviously. We had to build a dice. It might sound easy but it most certainly was not! That was unquestionably the most mind challenging checkpoint that my group encountered in my opinion.

Finally, we reached our last checkpoint. Isolated from the rest, it was effectively concealed near the playground beside the ramps we ran down for our penalty. Once again testing the mind, we had to answer a riddle. When we had succeeded in doing that, we were directed to look for a person in the area who was wearing cape. It took my team a few minutes but eventually, we stumbled upon this mystery person right in the middle of a children’s swimming pool, which meant only one thing - we had to go in.

After waddling in then out of the pool, we complied all the alphabets given to us after the completion of each checkpoint and began to unscramble. Soon enough, we figured out the so called ‘password’, was “charity” and did our war cry one last time before successfully completing the Race for Humanity! Yay!

All in all, it was a great way to start off the weekend before the holidays were over, exercising the mind (and the body, for some) and getting to see our friends! Whether we realise it or not, I’m sure everyone learned a thing or two at least, from the experience of simply being a part of the treasure hunt. Can’t wait for the next one!

Saturday 27 September 2014

A Compilation of the Thoughts of House Captains of 2014
(Put together by Chin Wye Mun & Amanda Lee Yue Ping, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014)

Juniors, brats, annoying minions who sometimes (always) skip marching practices - it’s your captains speaking, hear hear! Just kidding. However much we may shout at you during marching, or make you do a hundred squats when you come a teeny bit late (psst Beruangs), we still love you deep down inside... deep, deep, deep down inside. 

With the First House Cup (FHC) meeting its end and the Big Splash having had its glorious moment in the spotlight, you might be wondering, what’s next for your captains, or rather ex-captains? The first thing out of our mouths would be studying. Caps locks, underlined and bolded. 

As much as we hate it, there are simply some sad truths we must come to terms with and the need to study is one of them. The FHC season is the perfect recipe for academic disaster with three cups of skipping classes, a teaspoon or two of angry teachers and piles of homework. Not to mention a gazillion google forms to fill in by -/-/-, ample amounts of chasing after that Freshman student whose name you just can’t recall, and a lot of “DID THEY EXTEND THE DEADLINES???" (No, no they didn't sadly.) 

The Beruang captains will forever be known as the tragically injured, starlit duo, who had the strength and courage to keep marching on through their strikingly similar injuries. The pair who stuck through thick and thin, during strenuous marching practices, vicious SFA matches, even tug-of-war ; who kept going through the pain, carrying their team forward, who put their house over themselves, who fell but picked themselves right back up again. 

Melodramatic reprise aside, seriously, hats off to the duo. It’s hard to be on the team knowing that your fellow housemates depend on you, but it’s even harder knowing you can only watch from the sidelines and cheer your heart out. 

Through the rough journey, the Beruangs had a solid senior team behind the blue curtains. Lady captain, Chin Wye Mun passes on her sincerest thanks to the seniors bears of 2014. "Everything we've accomplished this year could never have been possible without the help of the seniors. We've had our little bouts of drama, we've had our tiny (or not so) arguments and telling-offs but ultimately, I must say we did quite well pulling through together. I've never been so proud to be a Beruang and I would never want to be called one, if it meant I wouldn't be with these idiots. The bears are a family I'd never exchange. We have the slackers, the drama queens, the jokers and obviously it's not the most perfect bunch but that's what makes us who we are - family."

Seladang captain Vanisha Ann also refers to there other Seladang seniors as family. "It isn't flesh and blood, but the heart that makes us brothers and sisters. You guys are truly such a fun and talented bunch to work and play with. We have dancers, athletes, sportsmen/women, math geniuses, prized debaters and the list of skills just goes on and on. I will always remember the night we watched the Thomas Cup together whilst giving senseless commentary over WhatsApp. Creeping around the library with a camera trying to hide from the librarians (the real ones). We may not have won, but the memories we've shared won our hearts. I will never forget "HEHH, Maths, Shadow Master, Buff Eug, Banana, Lembu, Milk & Coco Puff, W I N, Natzi, Vengsta, Eeyneyt, Ah Meng, Awesome Ashley XD, Phoebe, Lum Lum, Adem Ser, Jes & Ramen. 

Beruang house captain Ezzamel Zarif says if he could relive any of the FHC moments, he wouldn’t mind reliving them all - that is except for Mathematics Olympiad he says. Probably one of the most mentally and even physically taxing events this year thanks to the Mathematics teachers who live to make our lives crazed with numbers and things that aren't even remotely related to them.

And it’s no surprise when he says that given the chance, he would want to relieve Games Carnival the most. A sentiment shared by the Seladangs. Seladang captain Ryan Yoong says " They said we'd never be able to do it; This year we proved them wrong!"

As for Helangs, Games Carnival was a rather touchy subject, however when asked, they also wouldn’t mind reliving all the FHC competitions. But for them, the march past competition wins, bar none. 

Preparations were and I quote “a good experience and everyone had fun ... - not really, they got scolded and had to do punishments if they didn’t listen”. However their determination even through the haze and the long break in between was what made their win so sweet in the end, as clarified by lady captain, Amirah Farhanah. It was with eagle-soaring pride that the Helangs marched out onto the tracks with great style and flamboyance that led them to their well-deserved victory for March Past in Damansara, and 2nd place overall. Something fellow captain Colin Yoong defines as one of his best moments in high school life. 

Amirah and Colin could not possibly have claimed the trophy if not for the help of their amazing group of seniors. Amirah says, "We unite for the sake of the house! Especially during March Past preparation, it really showed how strong our ties were because no matter how much "debate" we had, we still pulled through and worked as a team to achieve our goal. Every single one of us were really quirky and unique in our own way and that was really special because we never had anything in common but senior year changed everything for us. After all the obstacles we faced this year as a family, I'm really going to miss them and all their shenanigans."

For Rumah Harimau, this FHC was quite an unexpected journey. Let's not deny that the tigers haven't exactly had the best history in the FHC. The reds have not held the First House Cup for a few years now and captains Jazmyn Chang, Imran Teh and Nicholas Kong were not delusional to this fact but yet they still kept the goal in view and went at it charging. 

Not quite kicking off to a spectacular start at the beginning of the season, the tigers faced reality but their spirits remained strong throughout, resulting in a couple of great achievements for them. For one, they climbed their way to becoming top-tier contenders in the third quarter of the race as we were nearing the academic events of the FHC. Unfortunately though, the Harimaus met their fate of being crowned winners of the Big Splash in the very end - and still one they met with smiles.

Through the eyes of captains Jazmyn and Imran, the one FHC event they'd love to relive is the Interhouse Dance competition. "I had a lot of fun and I never knew dance was that nice and I wish I tried dance earlier because it's so fun and nice," says Imran who, obviously thinks two things about dance - fun, and nice. 

When on the subject of the other Harimau seniors, Jazmyn expresses her deepest delight in working with them, describing the gang as a "pleasure" to work with. Brutally honest, Captain Kong describes them as "the most unorganized but friendliest of all." 

Our article is pretty much coming to its end and it's been a long ride. To the other houses, Seladang captain Amanda reveals that it was indeed "an honour to compete with you all". Further from that, she mentions, "We've had our differences. Our competitive moments. Those awkward moments where you're caught between talking to your friend, and being loyal to your house. There were tense situations, fierce matches. But the defining moment was when in the end, although Harimau won the Big Splash, it was the Class of 2014 seniors who jumped into the pool that day."

To the new group of captains and seniors coming to take over our reins and drive the house to a hopeful victory, Wye Mun says, "I once received advice from a senior when things were tough during the FHC. At the time, I was rather skeptical of it. Ex-house captain of Rumah Helang 2012, Deborah Chew told me, "Just give it your best. In the end, no one really remembers who wins the house cup. Hahaha." I give all due respect to the eagles for claiming the cup this year and surely it was a memorable win but truly on that day as we linked arms and fell together into the pool, I felt Deborah's advice come to life. It is something I wish to share with all incoming captains and the captains after that and the captains after that and just the seniors in general. FHC is a stressful journey, there is no doubt about that but your senior year is one for memories so don't get too caught up in the competition and remember to relish and cherish the moments that count."

May the force be with you all to survive this hellish rollercoaster ride. There'll be screams. Green faces. Ups and downs and turn-a-rounds. No FHC is complete without a sudden change in timetables or a new twist to add to the already hard event. But regardless, you'll come out still standing in the end. Best of luck, never forget us and thank youHave a wonderful FHC season! 

Much love from all of your captains. 

by Anonymous 15:38 151 comments | in , , , , , ,
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Sunday 21 September 2014

by Natasha Wong and Ayena Shaneez

Lightning is said to never strike twice, but this time it did. Just months after the disappearance of MH370, MH17 was accidentally shot down by Russian-backed rebels, 40 kilometers from the Ukrainian-Russian border in Donetsk, Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew on board were killed. This intensified the international spotlight on the Ukrainian crisis and brought the crisis to Malaysian soil by meaninglessly involving Malaysian lives. Like every international conflict, it needs to be looked at from different perspectives, and we here will let you have a glimpse at both, from the Ukrainian government and the Russian government.


Ukraine only achieved independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Ever since, it has experienced a faltering economy and a wavering foreign policy, until then-President Viktor Yanukovych decided to further relations with Russia instead of the EU. This provoked the people to protest against the government, with support from the US and Europe.

Once the corrupt Yanukovych was driven out of the country and his government toppled, Russian troops invaded and annexed Crimea in an attempt to salvage its influence in Ukraine. The pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine felt that Russia would give them better terms. Hence, they allowed Russia to claim territory. The rebels pushed further and further, gaining control over a wider area of Eastern Ukraine.

The new pro-EU government started a military operation to forcibly drive the separatists out of East Ukraine. It did not go exactly as planned, as the separatists manage to organise and launch a counteroffensive, cutting off government troops. The turmoil was taken advantage of by Russia, and they sent in troops and supplied arms to the rebels in Crimea. Reports came in that Russia had amassed some 20 thousand military troops near the border, and had shot an anti-aircraft missile.

With the amount of resources such as military strength and weapons they have invested in, Putin’s motives still remain painfully unclear. But ever since Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Putin’s approval ratings have skyrocketed. This is a huge change compared to the Russian public’s response to his possibly-rigged re-election in 2012 which sparked mass protests in Moscow. Ever since, Putin has started pushing an anti-West foreign policy, and an attempt to revive imperialist Russia.

When MH17 was shot down by the rebels, Putin was quick to cut all ties with them but the truth was already out: a civilian plane carrying 283 passengers and 15 crew hailing from Malaysia, Australia and the Netherlands were victims of the rebel movement that was supported and armed by President Putin. And they seem to have died in vain as the fighting has only intensified after the tragedy.


Ukrainians are divided into those that see Ukraine as part of Europe and others who see themselves as linked to Russia by historical bonds to the Russian Empire.

In Crimea, according to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, Russians make up more than half (58%) of the population, with 77% of inhabitants claiming Russian as their primary language. This shows that Crimea is a predominantly Russian state that wishes only to be reunited with Russia. There was even an illegitimate majority vote among Crimeans for them to become a part of Russia. So why not allow Crimea to be a part of Russia?

Meanwhile, Ukraine has seen a government overhaul, carrying out its own political revolution. The Russians have not approved of this change, refusing to accept the new 2014 interim government, with it siding with NATO. NATO or the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, safeguards the freedom and security of its members through the use of political and military means. This means stopping Russia from colonising and ruling over surrounding countries, becoming more powerful than it is now.

Russia has repeatedly called to consider peaceful talks to solve the fighting. Humanitarian supply trucks sent by Russia to help Luhansk and Donetsk civilians trapped in the fighting were delayed for a week after the Ukrainian government asked for different permits despite showing consent from the US and the Red Cross.

This war has killed at least 2,593 people since mid-April, not including the passengers and crew of our own MH17. 951 civilians were shot down and killed in the Donetsk region alone. In other dangerous sites, numbers remain inaccurate. The rebels are losing and Russia does not seem to have any clear plan ahead. Economic sanctions imposed by the US and the EU are pushing Russia to the brink of collapsing in on itself. However, no one from the West is intervening as it would bring the threat of a third world war that much closer to reality.


After reading both perspectives, what do you think? Is one side more right than the other? Should they both be making a greater effort to achieve peace? What is Putin thinking? Well dear readers, only time will tell.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

written by Sarah Rajaratnam, Sophomore Cempaka, Class of 2016

The celebration of our nation,
Wonderful, amazing, beautiful,
Words cannot describe this country,

I am proud of our mouth watering food,
I am proud of our astounding accomplishments over the years,
I am proud of how we stand, together through thick and thin

regardless of race religion, I am proud to be Malaysian

We are Malaysians, proud of our food,
proud of our needless great minds that continue to brood,
proud of the great accomplishments we have made,
and for the next 51 years and beyond we will create,

We stand together through thick or thin,
to celebrate each day in malaysia with a grin,
for regardless of race or religion,
we are all proud to be called Malaysian,

Malaya to Malaysia,
Sarawak and Sabah,
The glorious day,
In which we come together,

as Malaysia

The hole in our hearts with Singapore gone,
To be filled with nationalism, independence and more,
As we shed our past and moved on,
A greater path we have and continue to strive for.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Submitted by Ian Lim, Junior 1 Venter, Class of 2015
by Anonymous 21:56 29 comments | in , , ,
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It's only once a year when senior students are allowed 
to jump into the school's pool with their clothes on, and even watch their house captains being thrown in by their peers. No Cempakan will ever forget their experience doing this. With that being said, here are the pictures of the Annual Big Splash 2014.





After-splash Fun

Photographed by Lai Li Chan and Gavin See of Junior 1 Higgs, Class of 2015.
