Friday 5 September 2014


It’s our last note, and the fact that we’re always stymied when it comes to writing our notes doesn’t change. Change. Transition. Moving on. We went over word after word and finally, we've settled on something that’s hopefully not too cheesy.

"What’s next?"

It’s a daunting question that rears its ugly head, evil grin and all, staring at us in our final year here. And Im sure it’s not just us seniors who are feeling the pressure of a change about to come. Juniors will be taking up the mantle next year, holding their own fort and claiming the year of 2015 as their own.

Note: This picture is missing many seniors! We'll try to take & upload a better one soon.

In this special issue, your seniors will take the spotlight for the final time, before we move onto other adventures. You’ll find out “what’s next?” for us. Whether we take the path that’s less travelled. Or the path that’s well trodden. Or if we can even see a path at all. Whichever road we choose to stumble on till we get to even ground, I’m sure we’ll survive and find our way. I mean, we’ve survived the Cempakan calendar, furious teachers, and the hectic transition to Cheras? Come at us world. We’re all raring and ready to go. 
- after we finish this episode of Suits that is.  

There’s no doubt that the future’s uncertain and holds many possibilities, but what's equally as important is the past and the present. Like many others, both of us have been in Cempaka since we were adorable kids in white-and-yellow checkered dresses. It’s where our roots were planted, nurtured into shoots, then sprouted and cultivated. (Though Mun’s probably still stuck at the shoot level.) We’ve watched Cempaka grow as we grew alongside it, and we’ve hopefully been a positive part of that growth too. An invaluable experience, both good and the not so good - it’s all just part and parcel of schooling life. However when you really break it down, we’ll miss the Cempakan pond. 

The Lumen has also gotten its growth spurt, becoming a whole new club from when it started up in 2007. We've changed our medium of expression, from paper to blogspot. Even gotten our own twitter account - really the changes are vast and varied. But don’t fret, at the core of it all, the substance still remains the same. Our expressions and our passion through word, art and pictures. 

Hopefully at least one of our articles or posts was able to evoke some sort of feeling in you be it laughter, empathy, discovery or something indescribable altogether. What's more is that we hope you are excited for what's next for the Lumen! Though the future's unpredictable, we can assure you this. There are more bright days ahead :)

- Manda & Mun - 
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