Friday 12 September 2014

Written by Amanda Lee Yue Ping, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Like our seniors have done before, and their seniors' seniors too.
And as our juniors will do in the years to come, and their juniors' juniors too.
The big splash is a long, upstanding tradition in the Cempaka family, just one out of the many that us seniors will hold dear to our hearts. 

Class of 2010
Class of 2010
Tomorrow, the pool will overflow. Not just with water, and uniform-clad bodies, but also with memories to last a lifetime. 

Class of 2011
Class of 2011
Even though the location has changed, from our beloved Damansara to Cheras.
Even though tomorrow there'll be quite a bit more bodies jumping in than we initially thought.

Class of 2012
Class of 2012
Even though there's been more ups and downs and turn arounds, making it one hell of a senior year.

Class of 2013
The essence of what big splash truly is about, will always remain the same. 

Class of 2014 - to come.


The Class of 2014 has finally made their oh-so-glamorous entrance into both the pool and the Big Splash gallery.

Class of 2014

This beauty is only one of the many bittersweet moments captured for the Class of 2014. 
Proceed here to view more of the bittersweet moments captured.
by Unknown 00:34 22 comments | in , , , , , ,


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  20. The Big Splash sounds like a wonderful tradition that the Class of 2014 will cherish for years to come. The photos capture the joy and camaraderie of the event perfectly. It's great to see how this tradition has endured over time and continues to be a special part of the Cempaka family.


