Sunday, 31 August 2014

by Tasha Thomas, Teoh Kai Ning and Aminah Yahya, Junior 1 Berners-Lee, Class of 2015

Saya anak Malaysia.

There are 30 million of us - one in every 24 people. I may be Indian, she may be Chinese and you may be Malay, but at the end of the day, we all live together in this beautiful land. We do not need a cardinal direction - it wasn't our fault that Christopher Columbus lost his way. 

Stop dividing us; The British already did that once. Q
uit trying to define our identity based on where our fathers and mothers were from - we grew up singing the Negaraku! Just because we all come from different roots doesn't make any one of us less Malaysian than the rest. Afterall, our hearts are one and the same.


Wo Shi Ma Lai Xi Ya Ren.

We are thinkers, nourishers of the mind. Great at math, science, spelling - you name it! We mean business - doctors, engineers and techies. Our thinkers constructed the tallest tower in Asia, showing what we can achieve, when we put our minds to it.

We are do-ers, who push our bodies to its absolute limit and somehow, beyond that. We have turned badminton as well as sepak takraw, into multibillion dollar sports - not forgetting the numerous contributions to the world of Squash.

We are feelers, feeders of the soul. We shared with the world the romance of 
P. Ramlee films and the music of Siti Nurhaliza, and of course, the KRU brothers, Fauziah Latiff, Uji Rashid as well as the late Sudirman.

Naan Malaysia irundhu varéan.

We are unique. Malaysia's time zone is unlike any other; it is on a whole different level! Unlike many countries, our 13 states and 4 federal territories run on the same clock - yet amazingly, no one is ever on time! We're all used to it though -Everyone is late, but we are late together

Our food is sedap. 
Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Mee Goreng, Thosai, Char Kuey Teow, Yong Tau Fu. I'm already drooling just looking at those pictures above! Then again, you can't find people traveling just to get a taste of some extraordinary cuisine at just anywhere.

Our country is panas.
Surely our sweat-drenched shirts are enough evidence for that. Going through weeks of blazing hot days is nothing strange to us, but that doesn't keep us from complaining about it anyway. It's often followed by weeks of pouring rain, keeping us in from sports and making us wish we didn't say anything. And of course, we couldn't possibly forget the much dreaded haze that has come to be an annual visitor, giving students an excuse to 'ponteng sekolah'. (Being Malaysians, we naturally find ways to find something positive out of everything) 

Our men are pedas and our women are Beautiful (yes, with a capital B). 
Don't believe us? Take a look for yourself! 


It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from - you can bet on fitting right in! Where we live, there is peace and unity. We are the best of all possible worlds; Malaysia, truly Asia.

Saya anak Malaysia. Wo Shi Ma Lai Xi Ya Ren. Naan Malaysia irundhu varéan. They may all sound different, but they all mean the same thing - that we are Malaysian, and more importantly, we are proud to be one. 

Selamat Hari Merdeka!

by Anonymous 21:22 25 comments | in , , , ,
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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Submitted by Law Veng Yee, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Happy Hari Merdeka! All around Malaysia, we celebrate this day of independence, and we commemorate the sacrifices of our forefathers. Here in the Lumen Studet, we celebrate Hari Merdeka by celebrating the states of our beautiful Malaysia. As our 57th Merdeka day theme states, "Malaysia, Disini Lahirnya Sebuah Cinta", Malaysia truly is the place where love grows. Once again, from all of us here at YJC, we would like to wish you a Happy Hari Merdeka! 

With love,
Young Journalists' Club Damansara

Submitted by Law Veng Yee, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Submitted by Lim Wei Xin, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Submitted by Lim Jade, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014

Submitted by Choo Li Ling, Junior 1 Venter, Class of 2015
Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Submitted by Ian Lim, Junior 1 Venter, Class of 2015

Sources 1, 2
Submitted by Ewan Teo, Junior 1 Berners-Lee, Class of 2015

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Submitted by Gillian Phua, Junior 1 Venter, Class of 2015

Sources 1, 2, 3

Submitted by Alysha Kyra, Sophomore Terra, Class of 2016

Submitted by Law Jeng Yee, Sophomore Terra, Class of 2016

Submitted by Aaron Lim, Junior 1 Venter, Class of 2015

Submitted by Jord Cheah, Junior 1 Berners-Lee, Class of 2015

by Anonymous 15:38 17 comments | in , , , ,
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Written by Natasha Wong, Sophomore Cempaka, Class of 2016

As Merdeka Day approaches, we fill our hearts and thoughts with the various 
small liberties we’ve been blessed with. We now have the freedom to choose our own path and future, without having to succumb to the will of a colonial master governing our every move. As we are thankful for the wonderful country we have, we begin to think of what had brought us here together. There was and is something that has allowed this to happen, an immense feeling that compels and moves us, giving us the resolve to fight for our country - nationalism.

Students of Junior 1 Higgs reenacting one of our nation's greatest prides — Dato' Lee Chong Wei claiming the silver medal in the 2008 Olympic Games!
Nationalism is the feeling that people have of being loyal and proud of their country. It is the reason for our great fight for independence. In fact, the reason for every country’s independence. However, nationalism and racism, as with war and destruction are 2 sides of the same coin, with it being one of the main causes for World War I and World War II. 

When it reaches a point of it being overdone, nationalism can bring along great destruction. We've seen it happen in World War I, as the desire to fight other countries and prove their superiority was strong, and when Germany enslaved the Jews, deciding for the Germans that they were the “perfect race”. Nationalism, when it reaches a deadly point, is when you start to see anyone who is not similar to you as the enemies. Discrimination is a noteworthy example of nationalism gone wrong - the most profound of this being again when the Nazi Germans ousted everyone outside of their own “Aryan Master race”, exclusive to only those with blue eyes and blonde hair.

A skit done by the students of Form 4 Science 1, depicting the social etiquette of Malays, Chinese and Indians and its cultural impact that has formed the unique Malaysian lifestyle

First off, lets start with nationalism and its great effects on Malaysia, our very own country. Nationalism was the driving factor in our journey to gain our independence, and the main reason behind how we are united as we are today and why we felt as patriotic as we did during the tragic MH370 and MH17 disasters. In that sense, you could almost say that nationalism stems from tragedy, as we are often at our most patriotic whenever something has happened to our beloved nation. Be it war, a terrorist attack or a plane crash; these problems make us come together in our time of need, to unite and take a stand. As with many things great and positive, there often is no clear distinction between what is deemed a healthy amount of nationalism before it starts having adverse effects, leaving us to wonder just how much is too much.

Now, lets relate all this with Malaysia in the past. Back then, we were known as British Malaya. Throwing away the racial masks that had been our identity, passed down from generations before, we rebelled and revolted against the British in our fight to seek independence for ourselves. Despite never seeing each other together as one before, the races that now shared the land fought against all odds, and claimed our freedom. We didn’t discriminate nor did we simply tolerate, but instead united and became one to achieve a common goal - independence for our nation.

It would be naive to say that it was all perfect from then onwards however - the tragedy of May 13 1969 would be true testament to that fact. On that day, we were jolted into a sharp realisation that there was a friction existing at the edges of our various racial ethnicities that had been underestimated - a friction that mainly existed due to nationalism; with each race striving to protect their identity and rights as a citizen of this land. Given the circumstances of how we all came together, it was a matter that could not just be simply cast aside, but with perseverance we strived on to smooth out our differences in the name of seeking and creating a better Malaysia. 

Nationalism is what had drawn us Malaysians together - and it is what will continue to keep us together. We are able to accept each other despite coming from different roots, and as we celebrate Merdeka Day, all of us appreciate the bond between our different cultures, races and religions. Our duty as a Malaysian is to not only raise our flags and stand as we sing our national song but to have a deep love for our homeland. With the collective endeavor of every single Malaysian’s love for our country, whave strived to improve and make great leaps in our country for these 57 years and will continue to do so for the next 57 years and beyond.

All photos were taken by Lai Li Chan, Class of 2015

Friday, 29 August 2014

written by Nicole Lee, Leong Jo Yi, Ruhaani Mahadeva, Gillian Goh, Ambika Meenatchi, Ong Yen Fay, Ow Syen Yee & Lai Li Chan, Junior 1 Higgs, Class of 2015
Photo credits to Koh Jia-Yao
1957 was a year of change,
In our country where all the races ranged,
31st of August was a special day, 
where Tunku Abdul Rahman led the way.

Through thick and thin we fought through our battle scars,
The feel of independence seemed so near but felt so far,
In England he went to claim our rights,
And didn’t leave without putting up a fight.

Holding our breaths, we waited anxiously,
To hear the news of our very own country,
Together the races stood as one,
Awaiting to know what had been done.

With the Union Jack brought down,
The rightful flag, Jalur Gemilang, was crowned,
The national anthem filled the air,
The Negaraku being sung joyously everywhere.

Scanning around with a victorious grin,
with over thousands of people, all eyes on him.
Fist in the air, straight to the crowd,
“Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka!” he shouted out loud. 

Photo credits to Lai Li Chan
The students behind the making of this poem reciting it during our Merdeka Assembly
Photo credits to Brandon Soh
Photo credits to Brandon Soh

Photo credits to Brandon Soh

"Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka he shouted out loud.'
Photo credits to Brandon Soh

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

1st place: 

Lim Jas Lin, Form 5 Science 1, Class of 2015

Runner up:

Timothy Yang, Form 4 Science 1, Class of 2014

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Written by Akhilan Manivannan, Junior 1 Higgs, Class of 2015
Photos taken by Lai Li Chan, Junior 1 Higgs, Class of 2015

Just recently, we at YJC had one of our most coveted and successful events in Cempaka history, when after months of hard work, the "An Afternoon With The War Poets" event came into fruition. The event was designed to enlighten all our fellow Cempakans on the toils of World War 1, and on the 100th anniversary of its horrific mark in history no less. 

To do this, an exhibition was held with creative and informative stations - designed and prepared solely by the students themselves! The exhibition was divided into separate sections scattered all around the entrance to the hall, organised in a way that viewers can absorb quick and comprehensive information on different aspects of the war. The contents of the exhibition were wonderfully diverse, featuring a barrage of posters, an incredible model of a WW1 fighter plane, beautiful drawings, models of the ever loathsome trenches and many more. 

We also took the opportunity to highlight some of the literary superstars of the time, the esteemed war poets whose pieces based on the devastation are mind-numbingly immortal and heart-wrenchingly brilliant. Some of our very own writers and editors took on the task of bringing the experiences of these war poets to life, by reciting masterpieces ranging from "In Flanders Field" all the way up to "Butchers and Tombs". The entire experience was enhanced further by tearjerking music from the age itself, and an overall heart stopping solemnity. 

If those weren't enough, a remembrance tree adorned with message inscribed poppies was also stationed on stage,the blood red poppies of course signifying and commemorating the many deaths in the terrible war. Esteemed founder and mentor of Cempaka Schools Dato Frieda, was first to tie her poppy on the tree, followed by honourable guest, Pauline Vey, Encik Hisham, principals, teachers and other students filling the tree with their own messages as the afternoon dragged onwards.

Many say pictures often speak louder than words, but here at YJC we have both, and to allow some of our Cempakans to relive those inspiring moments, not to mention show our non-Cempakan readers a bit of the magic as well, here we have a photo diary of "An Afternoon With The War Poets".

YJC Editor-in-Chief Amanda Lee giving an impassioned speech on the devastating First World War.
Nicholas reciting Wilfred Owen's "Anthem For Doomed Youth" 
Alisraa binti Aldin Bakar reciting John Mcrae's "In Flanders Fields"
Tiara Hana-Marie Ruidavet reciting Siegfried Sassoon's "Prelude: The Troops"

Arthur Lee Ting An reciting Siegfried Sassoon's "Glory Of Women"
Akhilan Manivannan reciting Ivor Gurney's "Butchers and Tombs".

Ryan Yoong Ka Jun reciting Wilfred Owen's "Dulce Et Decorum Est" 
Ryan Yoong Ka Jun, finishing off the recitation with arguably the poem of the afternoon.
("Gas, Gas! Quick, boys!")
A poppy wreath to commemorate the fallen soldiers.
Founder, mentor of Cempaka Schools Dato Frieda Pilus scribing a message on one of the symbolical poppy flowers.
Dato Frieda Pilus tying her poppy onto a branch of the Poppy Tree.
Dato Frieda closing the ceremony with a heartfelt and motivational speech.
Badges designed by our very own designers.

Painstakingly-made cutouts depicting fleets dreadnoughts and battlecruisers from the Battle of Jutland,  the greatest naval battle of The First World War.

Believe it or not - This model of the standard biplane used during World War I is made out entirely out of mounting board, sticks and of course, some good old-fashioned tape. 

Half of the four-man team posing in front of their Air Warfare exhibit. 

Amanda Lee welcoming the principals to the exhibition.

Special guest Pauline Wey signing the exceptionally drawn welcoming portrait.

Dato Frieda signing the exceptionally drawn welcoming portrait.

Dato Frieda, honourable guest Pauline Wey, Encik Hisham, Pn Farah and Doctor Fanny viewing the opening exhibit.

Dato Freida, Encik Hisham, principals, teachers and honoured guest, Pauline Vey posing with the hard workers behind the off-stage exhibition. 

Natasha Wong and her team presenting their interpretation of the infamous WW1 Trenches. 

Austin Ng and his team presenting their detailed fighter plane diagrams.

Dato Frieda looking through an old viewfinder.
Special guest Pauline Wey looking through an old viewfinder.

Atief Ashkari and his team presenting their posters and cut-out ships.
The freshmen students presenting their hard work and research on their station "US Entry into World War I". 

by Anonymous 23:54 22 comments | in , , , , , ,
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