Tuesday 29 December 2015

by Manisha Mahadeva, Junior 1 Cempaka, Class of 2017
Courtesy of Google Images
HO HO HO! It’s finally that time of the year again. A time for joy and fun, because the first term is done! Christmas is one of the most festive holidays celebrated by people all around the world, no matter what religion or race they are. Besides honouring the birth of Jesus Christ, this lively festival manages to bring people together and strengthen the ties of friendship with one another. 
This year, Cempaka Damansara decided to do so by having their very first Christmas assembly which was definitely one worth remembering. Before the sequence of performances, a few Cempakans consisting of our primary students were awarded with certificates as well as scrolls for their outstanding achievements over the term and the recent World Education Games. Many of them managed to overcome their challenges and competitions with flying colours. Following that, was the gift giving or “Secret Santa” which were given by a few primary children, in colourful costumes such as Santa himself and Santa’s Little Helpers. 
The assembly started off with the schools orchestra consisting of mainly secondary students and a few teachers. They played a delightful tune of one of christmas carol called “Oh Holy Night” mixed together with another melodious song. Next was the Cempaka Voices, a group of talented secondary students who sang their hearts out in a medley of different songs which really portrayed the essence of Christmas, which altogether was called “The Gift of Christmas”. Following that enthusiastic performance was a cute Christmas themed dance performed by the Junior Dance Ensemble. They leaped and pranced all over the stage and definitely caught the audience’s attention. After that was the CPAC teacher’s performance, which was the most unique out of the array of shows prepared for the assembly. The CPAC teachers managed to astonish the audience with their simple yet complex harmonisation as well as returning to the christmas classic’s. The finale was once again the talented Cempaka Voices, which sang a few modern joyous christmas songs as well as took a twist on the song “Jingle Bells” and sang it in French! This certainly ended the first ever Christmas assembly for Cempaka Damansara with a bang! 

After the amazing performances, Puan Farah, the Senior Principal of Cempaka Damansara presented a speech regarding Cempaka Damansara moving back to their new home. Continuing that after singing the national anthem, Dato Freida gave her final speech of the term to close the Christmas Assembly. Overall, this assembly was a great way to end the first term and will most certainly be a memorable one, not only because of the joy it brought but also the message it gave. As a famous quote says, “Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts”. 

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  99. MyAssignmenthelp.com is one of the common names which appear on the top of every search query regarding academic assignment help. However, in today's date, it is difficult to identify a reliable service provider. People, who are familiar with MyAssignmenthelp.com, might not require a review of its services. For those who are new to MyAssignmenthelp read My Assignment Help reviews, here are a few things you should know about the service provider.
    MyAsignmenthelp.com is a decade-old assignment solution provider, which has served thousands of students over the years. Interestingly, the company has close to 5000 experts in their team. Also, they have delivered over 870,000+ orders over the past few years. One can find the details about the service provider on the company's landing page itself.
    The website features more than 14,000 user reviews, in which MyAssignmentHelp reviews is rated high (4.9 out of 5) by the customers. Earning such reviews is no joke. Even if a person did not avail any service from MyAssignmenthelp.com, he/she can be assured regarding the support they can expect from the company. Most Aussie, USA, UK, Singapore University students appreciate their service.
    There are multiple reasons why MyAssignmenthelp is favored by students, Know the truth by reading MyAssignmentHelp review. Firstly, the website features wide range of services across 100+ subjects and disciplines. Some of the major services include:
    Assignment writing service
    Dissertation writing service
    Essay writing service
    Case study writing service
    Homework help service
    Report writing service
    PowerPoint service
    Coursework writing service
    Apart from My Assignment Help review, the website also provides editing and proofreading service, 24x7 support, formatting and citations service, and much more.
    The majority of the user reviews suggest that MyAssignmenthelp.com has provided them with quality support whenever they requested for it. Some reviews also highlight the fact that the solutions provided by the Myassignmenthelp writers were not only rich in quality, but were also plagiarism-free.
    Coming to the pricing of the services, MyAssignmenthelp is among the most affordable service providers in the industry. Each of the services is priced nominally. Besides, the website also offers regular deals and discounts to the customers, making the services even cheaper. Also, MyAssignmenthelp.com has a referral scheme which allows the customers to earn bonus credits.
    Interestingly, the website has a hassle-free rework and refund policy that safeguards the interest of the clients in case the requirements of the paper are not met. In fact, in Myassignmenthelp.com reviews, they promises unlimited rework until the original requirements of the client are met.
    Some other features of the website include unlimited revisions of the paper, free access to samples, 100 % confidentiality and secure payment method. If you too are looking for academic assistance, get in touch with the customer support of MyAssignmenthelp.com right away!

    Summary: MyAssignmenthelp.com is a common name in the field of online assignment writing. But, does it live up to its reputation? Here is a brief overview of the service of MyAssignmenthelp.com.

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  105. Why MyAssignmenthelp.com stands out from the crowd? Know the facts.
    MyAssignmenthelp.com is a complete assignment solution provider. They are a leading company across the world, serving the students with all honesty. They know that students need assignment help to get rid of enormous pressure during assignment submission. My Assignment Help Reviews is a reliable place for students who seek attention. If you are not sure about hiring this company as your assignment helper, you can go through the customer My Assignment Help Review from reliable review website.

    There are a lot of assignment services available in the market, but MyAssignmentHelp reviews stands out from the crowd. Here are the facts which differentiate this service provider from the others.

    The experts do research, writing, and proofreading

    At MyAssignmentHelp review, the subject matter experts have the knowledge and skills to compose a quality paper. The experts complete the assignments in three steps. First, they do wide research on the topic and gather a lot of information. As the professionals have in-depth knowledge on the subject, they know where they can find the relevant information. After collecting data, they start composing the paper, following the structure that is required for the assignment. When drafting is complete, they proofread it and make the necessary changes.

    Must Read: Myassignmenthelp.com review

    The professionals craft papers of impressive quality

    The professional writers of this company do not compromise with the quality of the assignments. The subject experts always pay particular attention to each paper to deliver the best quality of assignment. Customer's satisfaction is valuable to the company.

    The service provider covers all sorts of writing assignments

    From essay writing to case study, services of MyAssignmenthelp include all kinds of assignment papers. Whatever be your subject, topic, level, or type of your assignment, they have a solution for you.

    They maintain confidentiality

    At My Assignment help, a strict code of conduct is followed to safeguard the details of the customers. It is guaranteed that your details will be kept 100% confidential. So, you can place an order with us, without being worried about confidentiality.

    Must Read: Myassignmenthelp.com reviews

    The team delivers assignments promptly

    No matter how long or short is the time of the delivery from the date of booking, the dedicated team of professionals always try to provide the work before the promised time. They know the value of time. Unlike the fraud or scam services, the experts work relentlessly to hand over the perfect paper to you.

    They serve the students at an affordable price

    The company has set an affordable price listing. They also have good refund policy. Sometimes students are charged with a high price, largely due to the complexity of the assignment. The lowest price depends upon the type of the assignment paper and the deadline of project submission.

    Topassignmentreviews.com is the best writing review website, where you can find top assignment reviews of the best companies. MyAssignmenthelp.com is one of the best service providers which have earned the trust of thousands of students.

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