Thursday 19 February 2015


Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 

The design board of the Young Journalist's Club would like to wish you a prosperous and blessed year ahead. We hope that you receive many angpaus from your elder relatives and would like to remind you to stay healthy (and not to overeat) even though the Chinese New Year season brings about a lot of food.

Your Head Designers, 
Li Ling and Ian.


Source: 1
Submitted by Ian Lim, Junior 2 Venter, Class of 2015

Source: 1
Submitted by Choo Li Ling, Junior 2 Venter, Class of 2015


Submitted by Jord Cheah, Junior 2 Berners-Lee, Class of 2015

by Anonymous 18:17 32 comments | in , , , , , ,
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Saturday 14 February 2015

A Short Note from the Head Designers, 
It's that time of the year again where we (single people) hate all the couples around us. However, I can assure you that if you're in a relationship, it'll be hearts-and-candy-tastic! We designers present to you these designs to show how it's like to be single as well as some pick-up-lines for you. Valentine's Day is not just about sharing love with your 'other half', it's also to spread the love with your family and friends. <3 

Submitted by Ian Lim, Junior 2 Venter, Class of 2015

Submitted by Joyce Law, Junior 1 Terra, Class of 2016

Submitted by Choo Li Ling, Junior 2 Venter, Class of 2015 

Submitted by Aaron Lim, Junior 2 Venter, Class of 2015

by Anonymous 10:40 131 comments | in , , , ,
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